Holiday shopping? Unexpected bills? You’ve probably experienced a time of year when money was tight.
True Sky Federal Credit Union can help you get the extra cash you need by letting you postpone a payment without hurting your credit!* There will be a $40 processing fee charged at the time of the request.
Will my loan qualify?
Here are a few of the requirements to review before submitting a request online:
- Your account must be in good standing, and your loan must have had at least six payments made since the origination of your loan.
- Two Skip-a-Pays are allowed in a twelve-month period.
- Skip-a-Pays are not available for credit cards, mortgages (including home equity line of credit), Quickloans, or any delinquent loan.
- You must have $40 in your checking or savings account to pay for this service.
- If you have a co-borrower, both your signature and theirs are required.
You can submit a request by filling out the form below or stopping by any True Sky Federal Credit Union Branch location.
Skip A Payment / Loan Payment Extension Agreement
By signing this form, you authorize True Sky Federal Credit Union to extend your final loan payment(s) by one month per Skip A Payment/Loan Payment Extension Agreement processed and to debit your account for the applicable fee amount (if not paid by check). You further agree that you have read, understand, and agree to the Terms and Conditions set forth below.